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Jardine Law Offices P.C. Salt Lake City, UT Criminal Defense Personal Injury-

Jardine Law Offices P.C. Salt Lake City, UT Criminal Defense Personal Injury

We know that an arrest for DUI may be overwhelming. Being put in handcuffs and taken to the jail is not a pleasant experience for anyone. At the Jardine Law Offices, we want you to know that there is a way to move forward from here. The most important thing you can do in the aftermath of a DUI arrest is to immediately secure a qualified and experienced attorney to have your back. When we take you as a client, our number one goal is to ensure you are treated fairly. Contrary to popular belief, not all DUI arrests lead to convictions. Often, police make mistakes in the way they have initiated a traffic stop, in the way they conduct a field sobriety test, and how they administer blood-alcohol tests. Our team will scrutinize everything about how your case is handled.

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How to Protect your Rights after a Car Accident to get Compensation You Deserve

If you received an injury in a car accident, you may want to do everything in your power to protect your rights to a compensation. A Car Accident Attorney in Salt Lake City Joseph Jardine will file a strong claim on your behalf. The insurance company will have no other chance but to provide you with the deserved compensation.